The Venus Transit And The Return Of The Energy Of Christ And Of Quetzalcoatl
By Carl-Johan Calleman
The next day of June 7 has the energy of 5 Alligator (Alligator stands for the primordial beginning) and marks the beginning of a uinal (20-day period) ruled by Quetzalcoatl in the Tzolkin. June 8, finally, has the energy of 6 Wind. Since the wind god was an aspect of Quetzalcoatl so is the energy of this particular day sign. The Harmonic Convergence 17 years ago incidentally fell on the latter two day-signs of Alligator and Wind and in this we have a noteworthy parallel.
In ancient Mexico, Quetzalcoatl (in Mayan languages called Kukulcan or Gugumatz) represented the deity of light and duality and was seen as the creator of civilization. We may then ask ourselves what is the nature of the civilization that is now about to be created in this conspicuous gathering of energies. To understand this, two of the myths surrounding Quetzalcoatl in ancient Mexico may provide some perspective.
According to one of these, Quetzalcoatl, had been found to commit incestuous acts with his sister (probably then really alluding to the Yin energy) and so, to liberate himself from guilt he decided to sacrifice himself by throwing himself in the fire. When he did so he was transformed into the planet Venus and since then this planet has always been identified with Quetzalcoatl. He vowed one day to return.
In another myth a priest in the Toltec capital of Tula, Ce Acatl Tipiltzin, who was recognized as an incarnation of Quetzalcoatl and bore that title, came in conflict with the priesthood of Tezcatlipoca, the principle of darkness.
The reason was that Tipiltzin at this time sought to make a halt to practice of human sacrifice. The Tezcatlipoca priesthood however gained the upper hand and Quetzalcoatl was driven into exile. According to legend he left the Atlantic coast of Mexico on a raft made of serpents and vowed one day to return on a day of his own energy. This myth played an auspicious role in ancient Mexico in that the later Aztecs came to expect a return of Quetzalcoatl from the East that would bring light and a new civilization to the people. Thus, as the Spanish Conquistador, Hernan Cortez, landed in Mexico on a day with the prophesized energy he was initially believed by their emperor Moctezuma to be an incarnation of the god Quetzalcoatl who had now returned. Cortez was invited to the capital of the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan, and the ancient legend substantially contributed to the fall of the Aztec Empire. Today, however, because of the atrocities committed by the Conquistadors, no one believes that Cortes was actually Quetzalcoatl.
What this means is that Quetzalcoatl has yet to return either from Venus or the East ? or from both. What I am suggesting is that the Oneness Celebration is the time for Quetzalcoatl to return to mankind. But I want to point out that I do not mean by this that Quetzalcoatl is a person who is about to return. Rather it is an energy that will return by incarnating in the many of us who will participate in the transformation and recreation of civilization. Crucial for this will be the Venus Transit of June 8, when, during a period of about 6 hours, the planet Venus will transit across the disc of the sun. By astronomers this is heralded as the astronomical event of the year, an event, which has not happened since 1882. It represents one of those rare occasions when the energy of the planet Venus is projected onto the Earth. Venus is our sister planet that is almost exactly of the same size as the Earth and always turns the same face to it at passages. If the energy of Venus will then be projected onto the Earth by the rays of the sun it does not seem farfetched to identify the Venus Transit with a time when the energy of Quetzalcoatl will return to the Earth. The fact that the transit occurs on a day dedicated to the wind god, Quetzalcoatl adds to this prophecy.
It has been suggested several times that the energies of Christ and Quetzalcoatl are the same or at least closely associated. If nothing else, it was in the baktun ruled by Quetzalcoatl, AD 40-434, that Christianity expanded to a world religion. This, in contrast to many of the religions that had preceded it, brought a message of love and forgiveness to mankind. On a symbolic level the Cross of Christianity was an expropriation of the World Tree and Quetzalcoatl was really the Serpent that in so many traditions was winding around the World Tree and in this symbolism the two energies are immediately connected.
We have yet to explain however what was meant by the prophecy that Quetzalcoatl should return from the East after, around the year AD 1000, he disappeared on a raft. We should then first note that, since then, many pairs of Venus Transits have occurred that did not seem to bring the return of Quetzalcoatl. The most recent examples of such pairs are those of 1518/1526, 1631/1639, 1761/1769 and 1874/1882.
(Venus Transits usually come pair-wise separated by exactly eight years minus two days). While these seem to have coincided with significant steps in the evolution of the Earth to a Global Brain through extended communications, they have not brought peace and harmony to the world. What then is the difference with the pair of Venus Transits that we are now about to experience June 8, 2004 and June 6, 2012? Why should we expect a return of Quetzalcoatl this time, when it did not happen at those previous Venus Transits?
The reason is that at the current time we are in an ?Underworld? in the Mayan calendar that, in contrast to at previous times, favors the Eastern Hemisphere and the right brain half. Thus, the light that is now entering the consciousness field of the Earth falls preferentially on the Eastern Hemisphere. We are in an Underworld that will set an end to about 400 years (a baktun in Mayan language) of dominance of the world by the Western and left brain hemispheres. This is the explanation that it is only now, with this pair of Venus Transits, that we have reasons to expect the return of the energy of Quetzalcoatl. Thus, both the myths of a return from Venus and from the East (looked upon from the perspective of the Western Hemisphere) now make sense.
It seems likely that this Eastern energy will have a strong emission point in India, where for instance the Golden City outside of Madras is about to inaugurated in direct association with the Venus Passage. At the present place on humanity's path towards Enlightenment it seems obvious that balance and harmony can only come from the East. If nothing else, part of what is threatening the survival of our species is the dominance of the left brain. This brain half tends to look abstractly at the life of our planet and regard it as dead matter to be exploited based on its calculations.
A crucial aspect of Enlightenment is the balancing of our brains, and on a larger scale the Earth's hemispheres. A pre-requisite for the Mass Enlightenment to happen at the completion of creation on October 28, 2011 is that such a balance is created. The creation of such a balance is really what sets an end to our externalizing of inner conflicts and a return to living fully in the present. This is exactly the change that we may expect the energy of Quetzalcoatl to help bring about ? if we co-create its manifestation in the physical realm. If Quetzalcoatl is a symbol of the energy of light and this energy is now falling on the Eastern Hemisphere, it will now indeed serve to create a balance.
Without going to deep into Mayan calendrics we should note that the different Underworlds create a sensitivity of human beings to different fields of reality. The gravitational and electromagnetic fields are examples of such fields, which human beings became sensitive to and learn to control in lower Underworlds than the present Galactic.
The current Galactic Underworld, however, which had its inception on January 5, 1999 in the Gregorian calendar, brings a sensitivity to the very consciousness field of the planet and living beings. There are several names for the energy that this field organizes, such as prana or Qi, and its most common description may be the ether?. Another way of looking at this field is to regard it as a heavenly creation field that allows for immediate communication across the universe and synchronizes creation across the universe. This field then is not one of the common fields of physics, but a creation field that only now human beings are developing sensitivity to. What this means is that for communication human beings no longer need to transport themselves to another place or use the field of electromagnetism. Instead what is needed is to develop the intuitive capabilities of the right brain half that allow us to connect to the heavens, the fields that create the universe.
If a significant segment of humanity is in resonance with this field of creation it would more or less by necessity mean that it would be able to function more harmoniously. Its connections through this field would depend on the capabilities of the right brain half, the brain half that is now in the process of balancing the world and eliminating its injustices. This is a process that leads human beings away from looking at the world through a dualist filter and projecting conflicts onto the external world. It is also a process that is about to set an end to the linear time consciousness of the left brain and so supporting a life lived in the present, in the power of now, if you will.
Most profoundly, however, this is the creation field, the ether of consciousness, that develops in accordance with the divine plan as this may be charted by the Mayan calendar. Thus, whoever has a mind in resonance with this field will act in a way that is aligned with the higher purpose of humanity and the planet and creating a pathway to heaven that will manifest on Earth, the Kingdom of Heaven. This prophecy is very much a part of the Christian tradition and the time allotted to humanity for this is the period between the two Venus Passages on June 8, 2004 and June 6, 2012.
But then, how is Quetzalcoatl to return? Regardless of by what means, anyone who is able to connect to the Oneness of All at the time of the Celebration will become a living incarnation of Quetzalcoatl. To become real the energy of Quetzalcoatl must manifest in human beings. At this time this must happen through through the absorbtion of the energy of light on the right brain and unifying this with the left. This is really about activating Kundalini energy for which humanity may now be ripe. A winding energy of light in our bodies, a manifestation of the movement of the serpent of light, Quetzalcoatl, may serve this purpose. This will set the road to wholeness in an otherwise turbulent time.
"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16
One of the most prominent traditions of Central America and Mexico is centered on a deity called “Quetzalcoatl” (pronounced kĕt-sul-kwä-tul). It is a tradition that both touches and colors the native cultures that live there, as explained by author Constance Irwin—
“In all of America’s past no figure is more exciting, more tantalizing, or more frustrating than that of the Fair God Quetzalcoatl.
The name “Quetzalcoatl” means “feathered serpent.” It is derived from two words in the Nahuatl (Aztec) language—quetzal and coatl. Coatl means “serpent.” Quetzal is the name of a rare and highly revered Central American bird with long tail-covert feathers. The term for quetzal also means “sacred” in several Mesoamerican languages.
“In all of America’s past no figure is more exciting, more tantalizing, or more frustrating than that of the Fair God Quetzalcoatl.
The name “Quetzalcoatl” means “feathered serpent.” It is derived from two words in the Nahuatl (Aztec) language—quetzal and coatl. Coatl means “serpent.” Quetzal is the name of a rare and highly revered Central American bird with long tail-covert feathers. The term for quetzal also means “sacred” in several Mesoamerican languages.
• He was born of a virgin
• He was associated with a new star
• He performed miracles
• He taught the practice of baptism
• He was associated with the cross
• He was a symbol of death and resurrection
• He sent disciples to preach His word
• He prophesied of future events
• He promised He would come a second time
• He was the Creator of all things
• He caused a great destruction in Central America circa 34 A.D.
• His children will become lords and heirs of the earth
Taken together, these beliefs clearly mirror the accounts of Jesus Christ’s birth, death and ministry in Palestine that are recorded in the New Testament.
Unfortunately, some scholars are reluctant to make the connection between Quetzalcoatl and Christ. One reason is that, after 200 A.D., certain Mesoamerican priests and royalty were given or took upon themselves the title of Quetzalcoatl—making it difficult to separate traditions regarding the deity Quetzalcoatl from those associated with mortal men named Quetzalcoatl.
With many different Quetzalcoatl characters occupying the stage of Mesoamerican history between the third and sixteenth centuries, it is not surprising that confusion and misinformation abound today over the true identity of the deity Quetzalcoatl.
Nevertheless, to an open-minded, truth-seeking Christian, it should not be difficult to accept the fact that the tradition of Quetzalcoatl had its origin in Christ’s visits to the Western Hemisphere. The Light of Ancient America brings this origin to life.
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Venus Transit 5/6 June 2012 : the return of the Plumed Serpent
One aspect of the Mesoamerican plumed serpent – Kukulkan in Yucatec Maya, Gukumatz in Quiché Maya and Quetzacoatl in Nahuatl – is Venus as a morning star leading the sun out of the underworld.
There is a special double conjunction of Venus against the solar disk which happens only twelve times in a millenium with an interval of 8 years. This double Venus transit occurs precisely within the 8 years of the final period leading to the 2012 Mayan Long Count end date : 8 June 2004 and 5/6 June 2012.
The map below shows the visibility of the transit starting on 5th June and finishing after sunrise on 6th June. In UK, we will not see it for long and we will just catch the end of the transit after the dawn sunrise on 6th June.
When we convert the date of 21 December 2012 into the Tzolkin sacred divinatory calendar, it is 4 Ahau (‘4 Sun’).
The Mayas call and interpret periods of time through their end day. The Maya prophecies announce 4 Ahau as the return of the plumed serpent bringing knowledge and wisdom. In the light of this new Sun or Creation cycle this passage of Venus heralds our entrance into new values for the future of humanity.
Tune in and celebrate the return of love and wisdom!
Tune in and celebrate the return of love and wisdom!
UFOlogist suggests Mayan Calendar scenario 20 May to 6 June 2012
Raymond Samuels
Ottawa UFO Examiner
In UFO Sightings Daily, Scott C. Waring highlights Jamie Maussan’s testimony that some kind of pivotal event for humanity is to take place between 20 May and 6 June 2012, based upon a careful interpretation of the crop circle pictogram which reveals a facsimile of the Mayan Calendar . But, what is the Mayan Calendar, or more precisely, what does it represent?
It may be vital for us, as humans, to understand what the Mayan Calendar represents. It is arguably arrogant to assume that anything related to Mayan Calendar must be some kind of elaborate hoax.
Jamie Maussan is a famous investigative journalist in Mexico.Wikipedia refers to his winning of 14 awards. He has worked for such television shows as Mexico’s "60 Minutos" ("60 Minutes"). Mr. Maussan has become immersed in covering alien and UFO related reports and phenomena.
The crop circle had appeared in Mexico. Mr. Maussan's original report on the crop circle appears to have been made in May 2007 according to Scott C. Waring’s report of UFO Sightings Daily. [video attached]
UFO Sightings Daily is an online publication coordinated by Scott C. Waring, who is a UFO researcher and author. Mr. Waring had been affiliated with the United States Air Force (USAF) at SAC base (flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan.
“This prominent and world famous UFOlogist has carefully analyzed this crop circle finding a direct link to the May 20th 2012 Solar Eclipse and a life changing phenomenon occurring on Earth.”
Mr. Waring elaborates on the symbolism of the crop circle.
“The centre of this crop circle is [portrays] when the sun and the earth are joined together.“
Mr. Waring suggests Mr. Maussan has linked his prediction of some kind of “life changing event” with the Mayan Calendar.
“People have been talking about the year 2012 for a very long time, with an ever widening range of predictions and theories.”
Mr. Waring elaborated on Mr. Maussan’s insights. [video attached]
“At this talk he spoke about a very large crop circle found in Wiltshire, England and he further posited the theory that the time window of 20th May 2012 and 6th June 2012 was encoded in the design of the crop circle.”
Mr. Waring closes his elaboration with the following sober reflection.
“I don't know what will happen, but I guess we will all find out very soon.”
Perhaps, but can any “good” come out of any predictions which “come true” that is associated with a ‘Calendar’ which allegedly predicts the Apocalypse, Armageddon, or “End of the world”?
Mr. Maussan associated the period between 20 May and 6 June 2012 as marking the prospective return of a Mayan alien overseer entity "Kukulkan", aka Quetzalcoatl. Kukulkan was not the Mayan equivalent of “Santa Claus“, so we might want to rule out any predictions associated with getting presents.
Kukulkán was apparently the Toltec-Maya equivalent of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent entity. Human Sacrifice to this entity did apparently indeed occur. However, animal sacrifice was reportedly more in common. The great temple at Chichén Itzá was a reported centre of quite visceral devotion to Kukulkán.
Wikipedia notes that "among the Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, Kukulkan is an evil, monstrous snake that is the pet of the sun god." Could the Mayan Crop circle we seeking to warn us, as humans, about a World War III scenario precipitated by demonic archons on Earth?.
As humans, our seeking of a critical appreciation of just who were the Mayans, may very well be critical for averting a chain of events occurring in 2012, that may lead to an unspeakable global catastrophe. It appears that the Mayan civilization became infiltrated as a result of inter-dimensional alien entities who came through a stargate that was allegedly opened up by the Nazis. This representation is based upon the representation of Alex Collier. He is a self-described contactee of Ethical Extraterrestrials. These alien entitles then travelled back to alter human history. The ancient Pagan Gnostics before the archon creation of the Bible, witnessed, and observed, the travelling back into time of the same alien entities who had infiltrated the Mayans.
The insights of Dr. John Lash’s research into ancient Pagan Gnostic suggests that the archons were responsible for the creation of the Mayan Calendar. The Pagan Gnostics elaborated that the archons are inorganic lower-dimensional entities. The archons seek to parasitize the soul-energy which humans represents. Barbaric rituals of human sacrifices to an alien God by the Mayans constituted part of the parasitism/“vampirism” which Pagan Gnostics identified. Pagan Gnostics referred to the archons as “artificial man”. That is because the archons are soul-less entities without empathy, which have a mind that essentially could be viewed to be a sophisticated computer.
Each archon is connected to each other as a “hive mind” to what Pagan Gnostics referred to as the “Demiurge”. The Demiurge controls hierarchically controlled layers of archons entities which seek to “please” the Demiurge. By pleasing the Demiurge, archon entities rise to power within the hive matrix of the Demiurge. Our system of capitalism was contrived by the archons to foster the Demiurge’s parasitism. The Pagan Gnostics identified elite-controlled organizations on Earth, including organized religions, as the “humanized face of aliens”. The archons tend to preside and control over such organizations in behalf of the Demiurge.
When archons through the altered human history manifested by Mr. Collier’s suggested “Nazi” stargate, talk about “God” in the male or patriarchical sense of “He“, they were apparently referring to the Demiurge. The Pagan Gnostics referred to the Demiurge as demonic “wannabe God” which seeks to “vanquish“ humans. The Demiurge has sought to force organized religions onto humans in order to seek worship and adulation from human biological entities, which are exploited by the archons to furnish to ego of Alien Supercomputer Mind Matrix which the Demiurge represents.
You might enquire, why does understanding the Mayans as an extension of collective alien artificial intelligence, provide insight into an apparent end time of 2012 deadline in the Mayan Calendar?
Look at the Mayan Calendar. What does it resemble in our awareness of modern computer technology, which according to Dr. Michael Salla, is being introduced into our human civilization by an archon-controlled Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex of interests or ‘MIEC’? Arguably, the Mayan Calendar has similar design/architecture which resembles a modern CD disc, which is used to store data.
Now, what happens when you play a CD. It keeps running until it ends. Based upon Pagan Gnostics insights, the Mayan Calendar may be some kind of script in which 2012 is the deadline imposed onto the archons to fulfill their “mission” to serve the ego of the Demiurge.
Dr. Michael Salla's insights suggest that the archons have sought to “hide truth in plain sight” through science fiction. Apparently, this is an archon technique to demonstrate the “stupidity” of the humans, who would fail to see, and then take evasive action from such clues of a forseable destruction.
If that is the case, one Star Trek episode which first aired in the late 1960’s, might have very well depicted the Demiurge in the character “Landru”...
The Mayan Calendar 2012 “End of Time” scenario, based upon ancient Pagan Gnostic insight, is the apparent “will” of the “Demiurge”. As humans, we can already observe an apparent artificial intelligence at work in apparent unrelated crises. In the video here, Jonathan Kleck was able to predict back in 2009, the BP Gulf Oil Mexico Disaster which took place on 3/11, simply by connecting dots on a map which formed an archon pentagram. He has further used this pentagram to predict a possible future World War III scenario taking place to further complete the Demiurge computer programmed scenario that the Mayan Calendar represents.
The Mayan Calendar has been linked to a New World Order scenario which most humans might consider the creation of a Hell on Earth. If we, as humans, seek to avoid the planned “climax” of the Demiurge for a Hell on Earth, which Fukushima seems to be a part of, the same Star Trek episode Landru might be presenting the answer in plain sight.
In that episode, the Star Trek crew aborted the Landru mind control false reality matrix, which then freed the characters on the planet from further control by Landru. In that similar spirit, as humans, it may be vital for us to find a way to abort the final execution of Mayan Calendar alien computer programme which is being executed through archons. In so doing, Earth would be freed of the alien entities which according to Alex Collier, constitute a collective force which holds us, as humans, from our evolutionary potential, as beings of peace, empathy and love.
The failure of humans to abort the Mayan Calendar’s computer program scenario would result in the final execution of a programmed 2012 “End of Times scenario” in the alien‘s final projected assimilation of Earth. Humans must wake up, to quote the words of David Icke, and affirm sovereignty, in order to avoid in 2012 an apparent very real “End of Times” scenario that is apparently part of the verifiable programmed nature of events orchestrated by archons under the direction of the Demiurge.source:
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Major planetary alignment signals more and larger earthquakes. Perhaps this will be the megaquake that has been hyped up for months on the Internet. Should be another interesting thing to watch.
This picture shows a cluster of quakes on the Western side of the Pacific Ocean. Most importantly, in red, you will see a 6.1 off the coast of Japan in a swarm that has been stacking for the past week.
Planetary Alignment / Earthquake Watch June 4-5, 2012
One very strong alignment involving (Earth-Venus-Sun) as well as significant astrological aspects involving the Moon which may represent a possible 6.9 Magnitude earthquake on one of these days.
Lunar modulation indicates the high latitudes in the southern hemisphere could be the area that receives this event.
Best mapped location: South Sandwich Islands Region
Mayan Prophecy... The Savior Returns
Kukulkan ("Plumed Serpent", "Feathered Serpent") the name of a Maya snake deity that also serves to designate historical persons.
The depiction of the feathered serpent deity is present in other cultures of Mesoamerica.
Kukulkan is closely related to the god Q'uq'umatz of the K'iche' Maya and to Quetzalcoatl of the Aztecs.
Little is known of the mythology of this pre-Columbian deity.
Although heavily Mexicanised, Kukulkan has his origins among the Maya of the Classic Period, when he was known as Waxaklahun Ubah Kan, the War Serpent, and he has been identified as the Postclassic version of the Vision Serpent of Classic Maya art.
The cult of Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl was the first Mesoamerican religion to transcend the old Classic Period linguistic and ethnic divisions.
This cult facilitated communication and peaceful trade among peoples of many different social and ethnic backgrounds.
Although the cult was originally centred on the ancient city of Chichén Itzá in the modern Mexican state of Yucatán, it spread as far as the Guatemalan highlands.
In Yucatán, references to the deity Kukulkan are confused by references to a named individual who bore the name of the god.
Because of this, the distinction between the two has become blurred.
This individual appears to have been a ruler or priest at Chichen Itza, who first appeared around the 10th century.
Although Kukulkan was mentioned as a historical person by Maya writers of the 16th century, the earlier 9th century texts at Chichen Itza never identified him as human and artistic representations depicted him as a Vision Serpent entwined around the figures of nobles.
At Chichen Itza, Kukulkan is also depicted presiding over sacrifice scenes.
Sizeable temples to Kukulkan are found at archaeological sites throughout the north of the Yucatán Peninsula, such as Chichen Itza, Uxmal and Mayapan.
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