Well, I don't know about the megaquake event predictions, but earthquake activity is increasing again. Not necessarily around Chile, but increasing non-the-less, so I thought I'd share this with you that may help explain the quake in Chile...
2,300 birds found dead along Chilean beaches
updated 3:13 AM EDT, Sat May 12, 2012
Wildlife engineer Guillermo Boigorria, left, and regional prosecutor Lev Castro inspect sea bird in Peru, which along with Chile has seen a rash of water bird deaths.
(CNN) -- Chilean officials are asking fishermen to help save birds caught in nets after thousands of dead fowl appeared along coastal Chile this week.
At least 2,300 dead birds were found along beaches between Cartagena and Playa de Santo Domingo, Chile, said Jose Luis Britos, and environment professor and director of the Museum of Natural History of San Antonio, Chile.
Many of the birds, which come from several species, had broken wings and bruising on the outside of their bodies -- injuries consistent with getting trapped in fishing nets, Britos said.
He said bird deaths from fishing nets occur every year, but never at this level. In a typical year, about 15 to 20 dead birds are found, Britos said.
Dying pelicans in Peru have been blamed on warm waters.
One hypothesis for the increase this year involves climate. As Chilean weather gets colder this time of year, migrating birds that would normally travel north for warmth are instead lingering to feast on an influx of anchovies and sardines that had fled the coast of Peru in search of cooler waters.
Earlier this week, Peruvian authorities say warm waters off that country's coast are to blame for the deaths of more than 5,000 marine birds.
The Peruvian National Center for the Study of El Nino said that since February, the Peruvian coast has had an abundance of warm water as a result of marine currents throughout the world's oceans. The warm water has altered the marine ecosystem, it said.
The warm water has led fish such as anchovies and other species that live in surface waters to migrate to deeper water toward the south. As a result, pelicans and other birds that feed from the surface of the water died of starvation.
"If these oceanographic conditions persist, it is likely that its impact will spread to other areas of the (Peruvian) coast even during the fall, which could make the numbers increase and affect other marine species," the report stated.
The Peruvian ministry of environment said seafood is still safe to eat, and encouraged everyone to continue to support local fishermen, according to state-run Andina news agency.
Officials in Peru continue to search for the cause of death of almost 900 dolphins since the beginning of the year. The health ministry is awaiting final results from molecular analysis looking for the morbillivirus, which previously has been linked to dolphin deaths.
The Chilean agriculture and livestock ministry and staff from Britos' center have called for a meeting with fishermen for Monday. They are asking fishermen to try to save trapped birds before closing their nets.
Britos said he worries that until Monday, the number of dead birds could rise significantly.
Chile quake, tsunami altered ecosystems dramatically
Study yields insights on how natural disasters can affect life and effect of rising sea level
This uplifted rocky shore shows mortality of marine life after the 2010 Chile quake.
Chile's Mega-Quake Restored Beaches and Biodiversity
| Fri May. 4, 2012
Chilean coastal town after the 2010 tsunami: Marcelo Caro via Wikimedia Commons
Chile's 8.8 earthquake and tsunami of 2010 caused massive devastation, not least along its coastline, with some beaches subsiding and losing biodiversity, and some rocky reefs uplifting and losing biodiversity—as you might expect.
But thanks to the investigations of a science team already looking at the ecology of Chile's sandy beaches before the quake, we now know this natural disaster also engineered some powerful and unexpected forms of coastal restoration.
This occurred where the temblor uplifted coastlines with coastal armouring—like seawalls and rocky revetments—which allowed those once-disappearing beaches to quickly grow where they had not grown in a long time, and allowed plants and other species to reinhabit places they hadn't inhabited in a long time.
The study, just published in the open-access PLoS ONE, also previews the types of changes we might expect from climate warming and its accompanying sea level rise.
In the before-and-after disaster above the orange dotted lines indicate 24 hour spring high tide line. You can see that dry sandy areas above the high tide line dwindled where beaches that subsided (a) and increased where beaches uplifted (b, c and d). These changes were affected by whether or not coastal armoring was in place. Specifically:
- a–b show unarmored sites (a: where land subsided and the beach grew narrower after the quake; b: where coastal uplift made the beach wider afterwards)
- c–d show armored sites (c: where uplifted wider intertidal occurs in conjunction with a seawall; d: where uplifted wider intertidal occurs in conjunction with a revetment)
- e–f show relationships between the magnitude of land-level changes (e: shows beach widths; f: shows beach face slopes—red dots=sites with seawalls; blue dots=sites with rocky revetments; black dots=unarmored sites)
Land level changes from the 2010 Chile earthquake, epicenter yellow star : Eduardo Jaramillo, et al. PLoS ONE. DOI:info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0035348.g001
"So often you think of earthquakes as causing total devastation, and adding a tsunami on top of that is a major catastrophe for coastal ecosystems," says co-author Jenny Dugan, at UCSB. "As expected, we saw high mortality of intertidal life on beaches and rocky shores, but the ecological recovery at some of our sandy beach sites was remarkable. Plants are coming back in places where there haven't been plants, as far as we know, for a very long time. The earthquake created sandy beach habitat where it had been lost. This is not the initial ecological response you might expect from a major earthquake and tsunami."
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Glimpse of the line of earthquakes along the fault that connects the Mexico earthquake and the Chile earthquake. Movement is definitely happening. How much is this moving the continent and the poles?
-----------------------------end update----------------------------------------
Alert...First the 7.9 (7.8, 7.4, or whatever it wound up being, depending on who you talk with) in Mexico and now a 7.1 earthquake in Chile.
Major quake rattles Chile but no serious damage
(Reuters) - A major quake hit central Chile on Sunday, rattling buildings in the capital and triggering a coastal evacuation, but there was no serious damage and big mines in the world's No. 1 copper producer were operating normally.
Residents in Santiago fled their homes as the tremor rattled television sets, kitchen cabinets and tables, and a mayor in the town of Parral in south-central Chile told local radio a 74-year-old woman died of a heart attack due to the quake. There were no other immediate reports of serious casualties.
The 7.1 magnitude quake struck 16 miles north northwest of the town of Talca at a depth of 22 miles, the U.S. Geological Survey said, revising down an initial magnitude of 7.2.
It was one of the strongest quakes to hit Chile since a massive 8.8 temblor devastated the south-central region in early 2010, which triggered ensuing tsunamis, killed about 500 people and hammered roads and infrastructure.
"So far there are no fatalities reported. There is evidence some people were injured, but not badly," Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter said, adding that electricity supply had been restored after disruptions in some areas.
"This event did not produce nor will it produce a tsunami on our country's coast," Hinzpeter added.
However, a government official later said there were signs the sea had retreated a bit, and the emergency office reordered a coastal evacuation in the Mauler coastal region as a preventive measure.
The government emergency agency, ONEMI, said two people were injured after the fake ceiling of a church in Santiago collapsed and one person suffered injuries from a transit accident in the Biobio region.
With the memory of the 2010 quake still seared into their memories, many Chileans were visibly shaken up.
"I was watching television and all of a sudden the sofa started to move, and lamps started to swing from one side to the other," said Guild Carrack. "It just kept moving and didn't stop. It was very strong."
Chilean state copper giant Codelco said after the quake that operations were normal at its Andina mine and its El Teniente deposit, which is located nearer the epicenter. Together, the two mines produce about 635,000 tonnes of copper annually.
Global miner Anglo American said its Lost Bronzes copper mine in central Chile was operating normally, and the country's top oil refinery, Bios Bios, also said operations were normal after the tremor.
The central area is home to some important copper mines, but the bulk of output in the world's top copper exporting nation is concentrated in the far north.
Quakes of magnitude 7.0 or above are capable of causing major damage. The 2010 quake caused roughly $8 billion in insured losses and economic losses of at least twice that.
In the last two years earthquakes have been a scourge of the insurance industry. In addition to Chile, 2011 quakes in Japan and New Zealand caused record-breaking losses in the tens of billions of dollars.
More recently, a major earthquake in Mexico caused limited losses, disaster modeling agencies said, given that it happened well away from major population centers.
Earthquake Details
- This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Magnitude | 7.1 |
Date-Time |
Location | 35.183°S, 71.792°W |
Depth | 34.8 km (21.6 miles) |
Region | MAULE, CHILE |
Distances | 27 km (16 miles) NNW of Talca, Maule, Chile 55 km (34 miles) WSW of Curico, Maule, Chile 99 km (61 miles) NNE of Cauquenes, Maule, Chile 219 km (136 miles) SSW of SANTIAGO, Region Metropolitana, Chile |
Location Uncertainty | horizontal +/- 17.2 km (10.7 miles); depth +/- 3.5 km (2.2 miles) |
Parameters | NST=434, Nph=442, Dmin=23.4 km, Rmss=0.98 sec, Gp= 58°, M-type=(unknown type), Version=8 |
Source |
Event ID | usc0008pwq |
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Here is an update on this post. Again, remember this is not a guarantee of anything. Also remember, that the math used is an estimate, so do keep looking for a MEGAQUAKE situation for the next week.
In my opinion, the cause of these shifts is a massive celestial object moving inward from the 9 o'clock orientation of the solar system/ springtime/ constellations Leo-Orion.
The effects on the planet are directly correlated to Earth's orientation relative to the massive object, with shifts of Earth's axis occuring every 377 days, and significant Earthquakes every 188-9 days.
There is a chance the shift could occur later, IF the celestial object makes entry into the inner solar system, thus changing it's orientation relative to Earth. But there is no way to determine this without an infrared telescope and trained astronomers, of which, only the elites have access to, and they have developed a policy of secrecy on the topic. So information is hard to come by.
IT IS ALLEGED THAT: During the Reagan Administration a group of global Scientists, comprised mostly of American, Canadian and Scandinavian nationals, delivered a report to the WH that suggested danger from cyclical eruptions of world's Super-Volcanoes that would cause a Mass Extinction Event in the near future. In 1984 construction of various underground facilities, including the Global Seed-Bank in Svaalbard, Norway and the first construction on The Denver Airport Underground Super-Facility in Colorado began. During the first year of the first Bush Administration G. H.W. Bush a Top Secret report was delivered to the WH and NSC by a group of Geologists and Meteorologists associated with USGS and NOAA in which thy provided confirmation of the following:
A highly complex series of cyclical events including Cyclical Solar Radiation Cyclical Earth Atmospheric Weather Changes affecting Tropospheric, Biospheric and Geo-spheric chemical and compositional changes affecting Global Temperature, and triggering events that will lead to massive melting of the Glaciers, polar Ice-caps, release of deep-sea stored Methane, causing dramatic changes in Salinity Levels, leading to both major Tidal Anomalies and slowing/reversal of Thermohaline Circulations, leading to increased grinding of Plate Tectonics, leading to increased Seismic Activity and ultimate to Eruptions of World's major Super-Volcanoes ! Hence potential/probable MASS EXTINCTION EVENT!
A year later, following the recommendations of this select panel, the Federal Government, established H.A.A.R.P. as a way to reduce the 'friction' (grinding) on American-related plates (as well as conduct other 'useful' activities) in an effort to mitigate eruption of the Super-Volcano at Yellowstone! This technology has since been sold to Japan, China and Norway, in exchange for joint efforts intended to provide a selected number of people to survive. The Russians have also worked on their own facilities, as have the Australians and Argentinians.
The next Super-Volcanic Eruption Cycle is likely any day now and definitely within the next 30 years. Contrived Global Economic Crisis are used in order to mask what is nothing less than Grand Theft on the part of THOSE IN THE KNOW WHO HAVE ACCESS TO THESE SURVIVAL FACILITIES. It is estimated that the total capacity of all such M.E.E. survival facilities is around 500,000 of which most are in the USA, CHINA and NORWAY. Mind you: this is all ALLEGED and NO DIRECT EVIDENCE IS PROVIDED by any source(s).
SOURCE: REALIST NEWS-----------------------------------------------------
March 22, 2012 Earthquake (Mega Quake Prediction)
The big earthquakes that have struck in some areas around the world in the past couple of years have been found to follow a pattern, allowing one to predict when the next mega quake is coming.
The pattern is being called the 188-day cycle and it says that a powerful quake occurs every 188 days. It predicts that an 'event' is likely to take place on or around March 22, 2012.
March 22, 2012 Earthquake (Mega Quake Prediction)
Here's an illustration of the said earthquake cycle:
February 28th, 2010: An 8.8-magnitude rocked Chile.
188 days later, September 4th, 2010: A magnitude 7.1 earthquake jolted Christchurch, New Zealand.
188 days later, March 11th, 2011: Japan was devastated by a 9.0-magnitude quake.
188 days later, September 15th, 2011: 6.0-, 6.2-, and 7.3-magnitude earthquakes struck New Zealand, Japan and Fiji, respectively.
188 days later, March 22, 2012: Another mega quake?
Experts, however, argue that it is impossible to predict an earthquake.
"Although it is understood that most earthquakes will concentrate at plate boundaries, there is no reliable method of accurately predicting the time, place, and magnitude of an earthquake.Earthquakes are difficult or impossible to predict because of their inherent randomness and near-chaotic behavior," the Pacific Disaster Center said.
SOURCE: noypistuff
March 22: Megaquake Warning!
ALL MAJOR NEWS OUTLETS are being sent a copy of this Press Release stating that everyone living on or near a seismic zone should be warned to brace for one of the top five earthquake events in recorded history on March 22, 2012 at 4:58:34 UTC.
St. Petersburg, Florida—Our researchers have discovered a pattern of seismicity going back to 1965 that has transitioned into large magnitude events including Earth axis shifts on a regular 188-day cycle. The most-recent events include the Feb 27, 2010 8.8 event in Chile, the Sept 4, 2010 7.1 event at Christchurch, New Zealand, the Sept 15, 2011 7.3 event in Fiji and the March 11, 2011 9.0 Japan event.According to our calculations the next event is expected to take place on March 22, 2012 at 4:58:34 UTC, when Earth will pass through the gravity trough connecting the Sun and a heavy-mass object (HMO) being tracked out of the Leo Constellation. The Earth’s axis is expected to shift five to six inches, like the four-inch shift with Japan event and the three-inch shift with the Chile event.
I have been sending warning messages to the media all along and nobody has responded with a single word. We shall see very soon if the next ‘event’ on the 188-day cycle is for real or not. My hands are clean and everyone has the opportunity to be warned…
Uploaded by TerralO3 on Mar 18, 2012 | Press Release Link: terral03.com | USGS Latest earthquakesSOURCE: EXOHUMAN.COM----------------------------------------
-----------end update-----------------------------
Here is an update with a bit more information...again, I cannot guarantee anything, but it is interesting...
March 22, 2012 Event
March 22, 2012 is the day our researchers expect that Earth axis will shift 5 inches with aquifers around the globe and a 9+ magnitude earthquake event that will likely be included among the top ten in Earth history. This marks the next day on the 188-Day Cycle that is part of a pattern of seismicity extending back to 1965 (Mensur Omberbashich April 11, 2012 to Cornell). Other events on the 188-day cycle took place on February 27, 2010 (Chile 8.8*), September 4, 2010 (Christchurch 7.1*), March 11, 2011 (Japan 9.0*) and September 15, 2011 (Fiji 7.3*). The Earth experienced Earth axis shifts of three inches and four inches respectively with the nearside alignments and earth aquifer shifts connected to the Chile and Japan events. The historical precedent established by this seismic event pattern says the next Earth axis shift will take place in March 22, 2012 and will be five inches or greater.
The 188-Day diagram shows how Earth orbit relative to the inbound heavy-mass object is broken down into four parts. Recently Earth reached outside orbit position over on the winter side of the solar system from the northern hemisphere perspective. That marks the time that the heavy-mass object in the Leo/Virgo Constellations appeared to stop moving into Virgo to begin retracing a path back into the Leo Constellation from Earth orbit perspective. While the inbound star is actually coming in for an orbit around the Sun, remember that Earth is orbiting back and forth at a distance of two astronomical units from the winter to summer side of the solar system. That means the inbound heavy-mass object appears to be moving back and forth against the backdrop of the Leo to Virgo Constellations from our earthbound perspective.
Earth reached outside orbit position on December 18, 2011 to begin the first half of 6-month near orbit to the Leo Constellation, or the first quarter of the orbit cycle for 2012. This marks the time that the magnetic portal connection begins to shorten for a higher percentage of internal conduits to become active, which allows the inbound star to inject increased levels of magnetism into the Earth. The magnetite deposits inside the Earth receive that magnetism for conversion into heat energy, which causes the Earth core to heat up Earth magma. This also means the magnetosphere fluctuations increase to cause a twisting of magnetic lines, which causes migrating animals with magnetite in their tissues to migrate east and west rather than north and south and lose their way. We should expect to see increased volcanism, earthquake activity and mass migrating animal deaths through the first three months of 2012 on way to the March 22, 2012 Alignment/Earth axis Shift Event.
Source: Terra 104 .com
Hey everyone.
Here is some more information regarding this prediction that I've picked up from the Net. Remember what I said in my previous post...it's the Internet so take this information for what it is...I cannot vouch for it, but I find it interesting.
March 3 – 2012Two strong alignments involving (Sun-Earth-Mars) and (Venus-Mercury-Sun) as well as significant astrological aspects involving the moon which may represent a possible 6.8 Magnitude earthquake on one of these days.Lunar modulation indicates the pacific island region could be the area that receives this event. Best mapped location:Gujarat, India or Pakistan.. videoMarch 21/22 – 2012Two very strong alignments involving (Sun-Earth-Mercury-Uranus) and (Mars-Earth-Neptune) as well as significant astrological aspects involving the moon which may represent a possible 8.0 Magnitude earthquake on one of these days.Lunar modulation indicates the pacific island region could be the area that receives this event. Best mapped location:Aleutian Islands, Alaska.Analysis using Heliocentric Imagery, geocentric portrait and harmonic translations to predict possible effects here on earth. Using astrology in this forecast in-conjunction with lunar modulations. thebarcarollerAstrologer Contact InformationAlandra – Alandra@iinet.net.auPhillippa – phillyc@xtra.co.nzSolar System Scope Websitehttp://www.solarsystemscope.com/Swiss Ephemeris Informationhttp://www.astro.com/swisseph/ahel/2000/ahel2012.pdfhttp://www.solarmonitor.org/Google EarthExcellent information websites for solar watchers and researchershttp://www.solen.info/solar/http://www.solarmonitor.org/http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/http://helioviewer.org/Earthquake Reporting Channelhttp://www.youtube.com/user/EQReporterSolarwatcher websitehttp://solarwatcher.netSource and author: thebarcaroller (youtube)From ABOVE TOP SECRET.com
Usually I don't belive in apocaliptic predictions, but there is a very strange coincidence in this number 188. Every 188/189 days from an huge Earthquake to another. This video show the ominous oddity. By the way, on March 22, 2012 there will be also a Black Moon...From W FOSTER 2011
Is a Gigantic Mega-Quake in our Future for March 22, 2012?January 13, 2012January 13, 2012 – Is a Gigantic Mega-Quake in our Future for March 22, 2012? A subscriber posted an intriguing YouTube video, suggesting that an enormous mega-quake was due on March 22, 2012. Below, is a summary of the hypothesis:
A large earthquake occurred on February 27, 2010 in Chile. If you add 188 days to that date, you get September 3, 2010; when a 7.0 magnitude tremor struck New Zealand. Then add 189 days to the NZ quake and you get March 11, 2011; which was the Japan mega-quake and tsunami. Add 189 days to the Japan quake and you get September 15, 2011; which was the date for a 7.3 magnitude Fiji tremor. Then add 189 days to that and you get March 22, 2012; which is a warning for another large quake of unknown magnitude.
It’s an intriguing video and beautifully done, however, I have my doubts on such a small sample. Therefore, I prepared the two graphs above; based upon my 39 year global earthquake file, including all earthquakes greater than or equal to 6.0 magnitude.
I expanded the sample size to 26, using all the dates between August 22, 2009 and September 16, 1996. The dates were selected by subtracting 189 days from February 27, 2010 (the Chile quake) and arriving at August 22, 2009. I then recorded earthquake quantities and power at a 10X scale, from 10 days before and after that date. I continued this process, alternating between 188 and 189 days, until I arrived at September 16, 1996. The summarized data is above.
The top graphs records the quantity of earthquakes 10 days before “D” day and 10 days after. The two white horizontal lines are a linear and exponential best fit lines. As you can, the data indicates that earthquake quantity decreases from 10 days before to 10 days after, although the quantity is highly variable; with peaks of 18 total quakes four days before and four days after.The picture changes completely, when we look at the power of those earthquakes on a 10X exponential scale. In other words, a 7.0M quake is 10 times stronger than a 6.0 quake but 100 times stronger (10 X 10 = 100) than a 9.0 quake.
As you can see, the power rating peaks very strongly at four days after at a rating of 1,318. This is because that data point includes the Sumatra mega-quake of December 26, 2004. This quake had a power rating of 1,289 and is, therefore, responsible for 97.8% of the 1,318 data point four days after “D” day.
Another very compelling fact is that March 22, 2012 has a New Moon at 2* Aries 22’ (two degrees of Aries and 22 longitude minutes), which goes through (is on the IC) of eastern Australia, western Papua New Guinea and directly through Tokyo. Could this day (March 22nd) be the day the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 manifests?
From The Above Youtube Poster
The historical and geological records say the Earth and particularly the Pacific Ring of Fire will experience a 9+ magnitude quake event on March 22, 2012 @ 4:58:34 UTC where Earth axis is expected to shift 5+ inches. Earth experienced a simlar event on February 27, 2010 and March 11, 2011 and we expect the 188-day Cycle Pattern to continue. Everyone living in a seismic zone should pay careful attention to events transpiring around March 22, 2012 along with people living near the coasts.
Original March 22, 2012 Warning Video: http://youtu.be/VWPJDDiwcDc
thebarcaroller March 22, 2012 Warning Video: http://youtu.be/zLoK-d4cMSw
Sollarsystemscope.com: http://www.solarsystemscope.com/
USGS 2010 Chile Data:http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2010tfan.php
USGS 2011 Japan Data:http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqinthenews/2011/usc0001xgp/
Terral03.com: http://terral03.com/
Download Paltalk Messenger (free): http://www.paltalk.com/
Terral's Research Group: http://www.paltalk.com/g2/group/1388121500/
188-Day Cycle Video: http://youtu.be/rNGDzLCkDGM
Chile Quake: 6:34:14 UTCJapan Quake: 5:46:24 UTC
6:34:14 chile5:46:24 japan-------0: 47:50 eariler
5:46:24 japan0:47:50 difference--------6:34:14 chile
5:46:24 japan0:47:50 earliler--------
4:58:34++ March 22 47:50 ----------5:46:24 japan
The Disaster Center recommends the following…If you are at risk from earthquakes:
- Pick “safe places” in each room of your home.
A safe place could be under a sturdy table or desk or against an interior wall away from windows, bookcases, or tall furniture that could fall on you. The shorter the distance to move to safety, the less likely you will be injured. Injury statistics show that persons moving more than 10 feet during an earthquake’s shaking are most likely to experience injury.
- Practice drop, cover, and hold-on in each safe place.
Drop under a sturdy desk or table, hold on, and protect your eyes by pressing your face against your arm. Practicing will make these actions an automatic response. When an earthquake or other disaster occurs, many people hesitate, trying to remember what they are supposed to do. Responding quickly and automatically may help protect you from injury.
- Practice drop, cover, and hold-on at least twice a year.
Frequent practice will help reinforce safe behavior.
- Talk with your insurance agent.
Different areas have different requirements for earthquake protection. Study locations of active faults, and if you are at risk, consider purchasing earthquake insurance.
- Inform guests, babysitters, and caregivers of your plan.
Everyone in your home should know what to do if an earthquake occurs. Assure yourself that others will respond properly even if you are not at home during the earthquake.
- Get training.
Take a first aid class from your local Red Cross chapter. Get training on how to use a fire extinguisher from your local fire department. Keep your training current. Training will help you to keep calm and know what to do when an earthquake occurs.
- Discuss earthquakes with your family.
Everyone should know what to do in case all family members are not together. Discussing earthquakes ahead of time helps reduce fear and anxiety and lets everyone know how to respond.
-------------------------------------------end update--------------------------------------------------
Hey everyone.
Do you remember when I posted about SkyQuakes and about the Pole Shift, as well as the increase in earthquake activity and volcanic activity? Now there is a prediction that is supposedly mathematically highly probable regarding HUGE seismic activity, or a MASSIVE seismic event around (some say exactly) March 22, 2012. I'll post some of the videos and posts that show the information on this.
As I post this information, remember that within my posts on SkyQuakes and the trumpet and humming noises that have been heard around the globe that the last time this happened and was recorded, supposedly Mt. Everest was born. So, evidently, we are in for a new global landscape.
I cannot vouch for the truthfulness of all of this information because it IS the Internet and, believe it or not, not everything is true on the Internet:)
I can say that I have watched for patterns in solar flare and other solar activity, as well as earthquake activity and volcanic activity.
The solar activity is increasing and is sending coronal mass ejections that are affecting our magnetosphere and actually squeezing it pretty hard. There have also been instances in which there have been geomagnetic disturbances that have no solar connection and have remained a mystery, but have acted like a coronal mass ejection hitting and squeezing the magnetosphere.
Additionally, there are volcanoes that have been dead for hundreds of years (or longer) that are starting to steam and actually starting to erupt. This has correlated directly with the increase in seismic (or earthquake) activity.
There are now swarms of earthquakes that are larger in size and number and the plates are surely more active than have been recorded prior.
Therefore, I can only tell you to prepare. Even if this date or this particular "mathematical prediction" is not correct, there is enough evidence that tells us all that we need to have an emergency preparedness plan, that is complete and ready at a moments notice, for ourselves and our loved ones. I do know, from relatives in California, that the neighborhoods and churches there are not mincing words when they tell them to prepare for a large earthquake. They are extremely vigilant...more so than they have ever been...about this preparedness.
Here is the information. You may judge it for yourself.
First piece of information...
Link to documentation in California regarding their analysis of the plate movement and the urgency to prepare, as well as some predictions of what is to come... CLICK HERE - CALIFORNIA DOCS - USGS
The Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup Crew ...
Workshop on Update of Pacific Northwest Portion of the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Maps
The USGS is convening a workshop on the updating of the Pacific Northwest portion of the U.S. National Seismic Hazard Maps in Seattle on March 21-22. This meeting will discuss the inputs to the earthquake source models and the ground-motion prediction equations (attenuation relations). We will focus on new research results since the 2008 maps. The purpose of this workshop is to hear about these new results and to hear the opinions of scientific experts on how we should use these new results in the next round of the national maps.
Here is a partial list of topics we will discuss:
1. Recurrence models and rupture geometries for great earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone
2. New information on crustal faults in Washington and Oregon from geologic mapping, paleoseismology, and geophysics
3. Crustal deformation models using GPS
4. New information about deep intraslab earthquakes
5. Ground-motion prediction equations for great subduction zone earthquakes, intraslab earthquakes, and crustal earthquakes
A preliminary agenda can be found here.
Event Date:
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 08:30 - Thursday, March 22, 2012 - 15:00
Use the links below to monitor the earthquake developments globally.
monitor earthquakes on a global basis:
Link to DOZENS of Volcano webcams:
The signs of unrest are showing --- volcanic activity increasing (just like last year before the Japanese massive earthquake) .... global earthquake swarm activity showing obvious signs (again like last year)... and now we're seeing a localized 5.0M+ earthquake swarm in and around Japan proper (just like last year as well).
Put that all together, and you get a REAL POSSIBILITY of another large earthquake off the coast of Japan .... soon (weeks not months)
All areas around the ring of fire, all areas that are KNOWN earthquake prone.. and all areas that ARE NOT earthquake prone... all these areas where people reside -- you need to have a plan and be prepared. We're going to be seeing earthquakes occur in places that don't normally see much earthquake activity ....
Areas like Canada, the northeast USA , midwest and south USA ----- areas like Central Europe , France, Germany, England, Belgium, Netherlands --- be alert as well.
Russia, China, India ---- BE ON HIGH ALERT --- the whole area of Russia/China/India is also showing movement and buildup (the recent 6.8M in siberia for instance plus DOZENS of 5.0M+).
North american Craton as well --- states of Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and the entire area of New England (connecticut, delaware, maryland, new york, pennsylvania, new jersey, washington DC, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Maine, and Ohio (several more states are included in the outskirts of the main craton edge --- basically this puts the ENTIRE USA under a potential earthquake threat in the near term (weeks).
If the activity dies down over the next few weeks, we can all take a deep sigh of relief.. but until things calm down globally.. THE TIME TO PREPARE WAS YESTERDAY !!!! Get your plans together... food, water, clothing, communication, transportation, and self defense ... know the plan and be ready (just in case).
Uploaded by thebarcaroller on Dec 17, 2011
This is a Planetary Alignment Earthquake watch video, program used in this Heliocentric visual representation is Simsolarv2.0 and solar system scope.
One very strong alignments involving (Sun-Earth-Mercury-Uranus) as well as significant astrological aspects involving the moon which may represent a possible 8.0 Magnitude earthquake on one of these days.
Lunar modulation indicates the pacific island region could be the area that receives this event. Best mapped location:
Aleutian Islands, Alaska.
This is my own analysis using Heliocentric Imagery, geocentric portrait and harmonic translations to predict possible effects here on earth. i am using astrology in this forecast in-conjunction with lunar modulations.
Results will be annotated as the end of this video
Astrologer Contact Information
Alandra - Alandra@iinet.net.au
Phillippa - phillyc@xtra.co.nz
Solar System Scope Website
Swiss Ephemeris Information
Google Earth
Excellent information websites for solar watchers and researchers
Earthquake Reporting Channel
solarwatcher website
Intro music used is royalty free and created by Kevin MacLeod
The spinning world globe at the start of the video is a free program called Earthquake3D
The use of images and voice from this video may NOT be used by another party and this video will not mirrored under any circumstances as annotations will be added to the video with important updates.
Uploaded by 9Nania on Jan 11, 2012
I made this video specifically for those who are not yet aware of what is happening. For those who are up to date, you can use this video to raise awareness.
If you would like to support this research, please donate. Every little bit helps. Thanks so much. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ZFDF...
The liklihood that there will be another megaquake and axis shift on march 22, 2012 is very high. In my opinion, the cause of these shifts is a massive celestial object moving inward from the 9 o'clock orientation of the solar system/ springtime/ constellations Leo-Orion.
The effects on the planet are directly correlated to Earth's orientation relative to the massive object, with shifts of Earth's axis occuring every 377 days, and significant Earthquakes every 188-9 days.
There is a chance the shift could occur later, IF the celestial object makes entry into the inner solar system, thus changing it's orientation relative to Earth. But there is no way to determine this without an infrared telescope and trained astronomers, of which, only the elites have access to, and they have developed a policy of secrecy on the topic. So information is hard to come by.
Better to be prepared now, but at the very least, leave danger zones before March 22nd.
Music: 'Canon in D' Pachebel
The following is the sort of mathematics being used to predict this emergency...
LDS Freedom Forum
Next Mega-quake?
22 February 2010
8.8 Chile
188 days later
3 September 2010
7.0 New Zealand
189 days later
March 11, 2010
9.0 Japan
188 days later
15 September 2011
7.3 Fiji
189 days later
March 22, 2012
The strange sound: Haarp. Russians have done research on it since the early 60's. With the sound you can eliminate a big city in minits.
The strange "ufo" with tre lights skifting in colors you can see in the clip of "chemlin" its a TR3b from the us defence. No strange at al.
Most so-called UFO is made by man and does not come from outer space
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