Armageddon: Movie Hit Turns Reality for European Space Agency
Filed under: News, Pop Culture — lindastcyr @ 12:06 pm
Sounds just like the movie Armageddon, right? In fact it has the same plot line just not the famous faces or the stuntmen. Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, and Liv Tyler won’t be major cast members of the European Space Agency’s plot. Instead the main players will potentionally be 99942 Apophis, a 1600ft-wide asteroid, Hildalgo, a 500kg impact craft, and Sancho, an orbitor that will analyze data from the impact.
According to the Daily Mail, the European Space Agency is planning the real version of Armageddon for 2015 when Mission: Don Quijote, “will see a satelllite fired at break-neck speed into a ‘test’ asteroid to see if its course changes.”
99942 Apophis, the 1600ft-wide asteriod, has a one in 250,000 chance of hitting the Earth in 2036, according to experts. If a big asteroid were to make contact, or in more accurate terms, hurtle its fiery wrath at us, it could and probably would wipe out life on Earth. The plan for the EU Space Agency is to send up Hildalgo and have it collide with Apophis at a speed of around six miles a second. Sancho will cruise around the area scanning the collision and monitoring whether the asteriod changes direction.
“ESA’s Don Quijote is an asteroid deflection precursor mission concept, designed to assess and validate the technology that one day could be used to deflect an asteroid threatening the Earth…,” says the neo space mission preparation for the European Space Agency.
What do you think about the ESA’s Don Quijote mission?
Europeans are taking the asteroid threat seriously
Yet, despite this, it’s been an uphill battle to get NASA to pay attention. While the space agency has been very good about supporting early detection programs, the support for a space mission to prevent an impact has been lacking. Of course, given their relatively small budget (<1% of the federal spending) I imagine taking on anything like this would be difficult.
The idea here isn’t complicated: if we see an asteroid on an impact trajectory with Earth, we want to change the orbit so it doesn’t hit us. We could try blowing it up, but that’s actually a bad idea: at best it creates a lot of debris that can still smack into us, some of which may still be big enough to do us serious harm. So a better idea is to make sure it doesn’t hit us at all.
Impacting an incoming asteroid is a good way to do this. It probably won’t shatter the rock, and if done with enough advance time the orbit can be changed enough to prevent an impact with Earth. Think of it this way: imagine you’re crossing the street. If you see a car really close, you have to move quickly, but if it’s far away you can take your time. If you have enough lead time, even a small change in the car’s velocity can make the difference between a hit and miss. Slamming a space probe into an asteroid changes its velocity, and if it changes enough we’d prevent an impact.
The problem is we’ve never tried this, so it’s not clear how big an impact you need. Don Quijote would be a big step toward that goal. By making extremely precise measurements of the impact and the change in the asteroid’s velocity (which may be impossible to do from the ground due to the tiny orbital changes made) we can get a handle on how well we can do this.
Mind you, NASA did something like this back in 2005 with the Deep Impact mission, but there the primary goal wasn’t seeing how much the orbit of a comet was changed after an impactor whacked it, but instead to try to dig up surface material and see what lay beneath. Also, comets vent material which changes their orbit all the time, making it difficult to know just how much of a difference Deep Impact made. Don Quijote would avoid that by hitting an inert rock.
I certainly hope the ESA continues to fund this project, and that it eventually gets the green light. I would love to see something like this happening soon. It’s pretty unlikely that an asteroid big enough to really hurt us will be spotted in the next few years, but the thing is, one will eventually turn up. While it may not be tonight, over the next few decades the odds go up considerably. Since it generally takes many years for a mission to get from an idea to launch — and many more to get to its target and do what needs to be done — the sooner we get started on this the better.
Image credit: ESA – AOES Medialab. Tip o’ the Whipple Shield to Smithsonian Magazine.
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