
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why are there earthquakes in ..........?

UPDATE: 8-23-2011 12:34PM GMT
Now we are asking the question, "Why was there such a large earthquake in Virginia?"
This one was not very deep so there was more shaking felt and more damage than if it were a deeper quake.  This one has surely taken over the news of Libya!

First we were asking the question, "Why are there so many earthquakes happening in Arkansas?"

Next we were asking the question, "Why are there so many earthquakes happening in Oklahoma?"

Now we are asking the question, "Why are there so many earthquakes happening in Colorado?"

These earthquakes are not all small either.  A 5.3 is not small for this area of the United States!
Is this the building of underground tunnels that is rampant activity in the West?  Is is HAARP?  Is it an alignment with Comet Elenin, or another heavenly body?  Is it mining?  What is it?  If you have an answer to share, please feel free to comment.  I will be looking further into the possibilities here.

1 comment:

tablet pc barato said...

Thanks so much for your article, very effective piece of writing.