Bilderberg Group To Meet In Switzerland
Posted by Real News Reporter on March 21st, 2011
By James P. Tucker Jr.
The shadowy group known as Bilderberg will be gathering this year for its annual meeting at the resort city of St. Moritz, in southeastern Switzerland, June 9-12
The shadowy group known as Bilderberg will be gathering this year for its annual meeting at the resort city of St. Moritz, in southeastern Switzerland, June 9-12, but they will have a lot of company. St. Moritz is a short distance from Davos, the site of the regular high-priced meeting of thousands of bankers, political leaders and other notables called the World Economic Forum. But unlike at Davos, where the press is always welcome, Bilderberg still tries to maintain absolute secrecy.
Bilderberg has met in Switzerland four times over the years but never in the same city. Normally, when their sibling in crime, the Trilateral Commission (TC), meets in North America, Bilderberg does, too. This year, the TC will meet in Washington on April 8 to 10, but the Bilderbergers are avoiding the United States, in what may be an effort to fool the press.
Bilderberg has been called the most exclusive and secretive club in the world. To be admitted, you have to own a multinational bank, a multinational corporation or a country. Since its first meeting in 1953, it has been attended by the top powerbrokers, financial minds and world leaders.
The Bilderbergers hope that part of their common agenda with the “Trilateralists” will be accomplished by the time they meet: a U.S. invasion of Libya to generate increased Middle East turmoil so America can go to war with Iran, on Israel’s behalf.
National Security Archive Documents
Document 20: Contacts with Iraq, North Korea, and the Soviet Union
With Chase Manhattan Bank Chairman David Rockefeller, 19 April 1975, 6:12 p.m.
Throughout the Nixon and Ford administration, Chase Manhattan Bank Chairman David Rockefeller was in routine contact with Kissinger; Rockefeller had been an important Nixon supporter. Chase Manhattan was an influential bank, and Rockefeller’s brother, Nelson, had been Kissinger’s patron since the late 1950s. With the world becoming awash in petro-dollars, major U.S. banks were expanding their contacts with countries in the Middle East, and Iraq was one of them. Although Baghdad had broken relations with Washington during the 1967 Six Day War, Kissinger was interested in developing a relationship, especially because Iran and Iraq had resolved some of their tensions. Thus, if one of Chase’s envoys met with Saddam Hussein, he wanted them to let him know that Washington “would be prepared to have political contacts with them.” Besides Iraq, Rockefeller and Kissinger discussed Chase’s approaches to North Korea, the oil producers-consumers conference, the State Department’s contact for Bilderberg conference matters, Rockefeller’s forthcoming visit to Turkey, developments in the Middle East negotiations, and Rockefeller’s recent talk with the Soviet economist Stanislav Men’shikov (whose father had been ambassador to the United States during the 1950s) about Soviet détente policies.
Document 10: Kissinger and Chase Manhattan Bank chairman David Rockefeller, 13 March 1972, 11:12 a.m.
Source: Nixon Presidential Materials Project. National Security Council Files. HAK Office Files. Box 87. PRC Personal Requests 1971-73
After congratulating Kissinger on some undisclosed triumph and offering him a plane ride to the next Bilderberg meeting, Rockefellerasked how he could get a visa to visit China. Kissinger was not too surprised (the president of American Express was also trying to get one) and said he would try to find out through "various channels." He assured Rockefeller that the Chinese were "less hung up on the name Rockefeller than the Russians. They don't think they're running the country."
The doctor versus the judges
This article appeared in the Daily Telegraph, owned by Conrad Black, fellow Bilderberger with Kissinger. If D'Ancona is to be believed this is the ONLY media interview given by Kissinger on his visit to Europe. Ensuring he is portrayed in a good light.Note the expression "there is absolutely no respectable evidence of his own or the US Government's involvement in these cases." In fact there is plenty of evidence - and the evidence is mounting Mr Kissinger - you cannot expect sycophantic journalists to lie for you for ever.[TG]
The Bilderberg Group
Read the actual Bilderberg meeting report of the 1973 Conference. The report comprises approximately 70 pages and includes the Introduction by H R H Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Also included is the official list of attendees - and a "real" participant list that includes US Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger whose name was excised from the "official" list - plus the 57-page minutes covering the First Item on the Agenda that discusses the need for an oil price rise. Saudi Minister of oil Sheihk Yamani has now gone on record to say that he "is 100% sure that the Americans were behind the increase in the price of oil" back in 1973 and 1974. He adds that "they had borrowed a lot of money and they needed a high oil price to save them." |
Berlusconi and Ukip ally hunting UFOs, Bilderbergers
07.07.2010 @ 17:45 CET
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Italian euro-deputy Mario Borghezio wants the EU to establish a European UFO Centre, thinks that the Bilderberg Group is a secret world government and was once found guilty of setting fire to the possessions of homeless immigrants living under a bridge in Turin.
Some people may consider his views to be those of an eccentric at the very least, but the MEP is also a prominent member of the Lega Nord, which is no fringe group, but rather the far-right political party that is the major coalition partner in Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's government and the main ally of the UK Independence Party's eurosceptic Europe of Freedom and Democracy group in the European Parliament.
Mr Borghezio wants the EU to establish a European UFO Centre (Photo: wikipedia)
In his latest effort, on Wednesday (7 July), Mr Borghezio held a press conference in the EU parliament building in Strasbourg and presented a written declaration signed by a full 23 of his fellow MEPs demanding that EU member states declassify all documents relating to unidentified flying objects.
The written declaration notes that "many members of the scientific community have been looking into the issue of UFOs and have denounced the systematic covering-up of information on the subject."
The Lega Nord politician and his co-signatories also call on the EU to set up a scientific centre "for the analysis and dissemination of the scientific data gathered [on little green men] to date by various European bodies and governments."
Finally, he demands that the state archives of the European Union's 27 member states be opened up and for records to be declassified.
His extraterrestrial concerns echo his worries, raised last month at another parliament press conference in Brussels, on how the Bilderberg Group, the clubby, annual get-together of political, business, media and military elites, secretly rules the world.
The Bilderberg press conference was conveniently used to promote a new book by the pony-tailed Russo-Spanish conspiracy theorist Daniel Estulin, who on his website calls Herman Van Rompuy, the European Council president and Bilderberg member "an unloved, short, evil little man [who] has gnawed his way into the bowels of power."
Messrs Borghezio and Estulin do not go so far as to say that the Bilderbergers are in reality under their skin a race of alien reptilian humanoids, as put forward by fellow conspiracy theorist David Icke, who accuses George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth and Kris Kristofferson of the same secret identity.
The Lega Nord man and his writer friend do say that the alleged Bilderberg world government dates back to 1439 and controls the planet's economy however, having engineered the introduction of the euro and the ongoing global economic meltdown.
The war in Afghanistan, they go on, is in truth about supplying drugs to Wall Street, while the next step in the Bilderberg masterplan is the destruction of the American dollar.
The UFO and Bilderberg initiatives are not Mr Boghezio's first brush with controversy.
What are Bilderberg Conferences all about?
The Bilderberg Secretariat proclaims the conferences to be '...private in order to encourage frank and open discussion'. Frank and open discussion is a good thing in any forum but when those doing the discussing are some of the very most powerful financiers and media tycoons in the world it begs the question: If what they discuss is for the good of ordinary people why not publicise it!Isn't it a perverted use of the word 'open' when no-one can find out what they're saying?
Is Bilderberg a secret conspiracy?
When such rich and powerful people meet up in secret, with military intelligence managing their security, with hardly a whisper escaping of what goes on inside, people are right to be suspicious. But the true power of Bilderberg comes from the fact that participants are in a bubble, sealed off from reality and the devastating implications on the ground of the black-science economic solutions on the table.
No, it's not a 'conspiracy'. The world's leading financiers and foreign policy strategists don't get together at Bilderberg to draw up their 'secret plans for the future'. It's subtler than that. These meetings create an artificial 'consensus' in an attempt to spellbind visiting politicians and and other men of influence. Blair has fallen for this hook, line and sinker. It's about reinforcing - often to the very people who are on the edge of condemning Globalisation - the illusion that Globalisation is 'good', 'popular' and that it's inevitable.
Bilderberg is an extremely influential lobbying group. That's not to say though that the organisers don't have a hidden agenda, they do, namely acumulation of wealth and power into their own hands whilst explaining to the participants that globalisation is for the good of all. It is also a very good forum for 'interviewing' potential future political figures such as Clinton (1991) and Blair (1993). [see above for more on this]
The ideology put forward at the Bilderberg conferences is that what's good for banking and big business is good for the mere mortals of the world. Silently banished are the critical voices, those that might point out that debt is spiralling out of control, that wealth is being sucked away from ordinary people and into the hands of the faceless corporate institutions, that millions are dying as a direct result of the global heavyweight Rockefeller/Rothschild economic strategies.
When looking at one of the (partially reliable) participant lists it should be remembered that quite a number of participants are invited in an attempt to get them on-board the globalisation project. These are carefully selected people of influence, who have been openly critical of globalisation. Examples are Jonathan Porritt (Bilderberg 1999) and Will Hutton (Bilderberg 1997) but there are many others. Most of these kinds of participants are happy to speak about the conference afterwards, and may even be refreshingly critical.
The Bilderberg organisers are accepted by those 'in the know' as the prophets of Capitalism. Will Hutton, deputy Editor of The Observer newspaper in London and left-leaning Economist, described private clubs of the elite as masterminded by 'The High Priests of Globalisation'. The ecclesiastical allusion is not accidental. The Bilderberg high-priests are a force against good, out to wipe morality from the earth. For the organisers Bilderberg Conferences are an annual ideological assault by the world's most power-hungry people. Not content with owning unimaginable amounts of money and property they want to use that wealth to acquire even more power for themselves. Power is the most dangerous and addictive drugs known to man. Will the craving be satisfied when a handful of men own and control everything on earth?
And just like the Nazi party in the 1930's the global Capitalist Elite are rising in power by peaceful means. There are some very uncomfortanble and unexplained connections between Bilderberg and the Nazis through the Conference's founder Prince
"The High Priests of Globalisation"Will Hutton
Transatlantic power élite's secret Bilderberg conferences & state terror research since 1996 from Bristol, England
Official Bilderberg website is here - press & my talks/presentations. Please mirror this site if you can (Fixed IP site & forum).
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke Bristol MP 1774-1780
FIRST they came for the Muslims - THEN they came for the unembedded journalists ...
four top news sites
My 2011 St. Moritz Bilderberg YouTube briefing parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Bilderberg 2011 conference date, venue & guerilla reporters' briefing - Hidden agenda driving us to WWIII [audio]
My weekly radio shows & web news - Listen live to: BCfm 5-7pm Fridays & Unity FM 8-10 Tuesdays
May11: Nazis v. Gadaffi - Strass-Kahn character assassination - Bin Laden 'assassinated' (Fantasy buries 4 Gadaffis assassinated war crime story) following 'wikileak'that Al Qaeda will explode nuke in Europe if Bin Laden is killed - but David Cameron lost three REAL nukes in 1992 Tory party S.A. nuclear weapons deal - Frank Kitson'sGangs & Counter Gangs textbook for murder of Catholic policeman Ronan Kerr in Omagh? - Mar11: Arab world in 'eschatological phase' - Feb11: CIA/XE 'terminator terrorist' Raymond Davis caught laying nuclear 'patsy trail' in Pakistan - Egypt's Gladio: Interior minister Habib Al Adly ordered church bombing - US Nazi Frank Wisnerin Egypt - John Loftus: America's Nazi Secret - Jan11: Bilderbergers Balls & Osborne nix UK finance - Murder at Pike River Mine - Oct10: UK Bilderberg announcesforced labour policy - Bilderberg 2010: BBC's Marcus Agius conspires with terrorists - 'Richest of the rich & shyest of the shy': pix INSIDE Bilderberg -
A manifesto - My Bilderberg email lists (1) & (2) - Goldmine Sachs: Bilderberg bankers' cult
My TV: The Big Story, 7/7 London bombings (2010); EMTV, Criminalisation of UK political structure; Birmingham Central Mosque 7/7 London bombings meeting; BBC2 7/7 Conspiracy Files (2009); UK Press Freedom; Bilderberg, 7/7, 9/11 & Princess Diana assassination; UK media lies
Revelation chronology...
...timeline for the future?
War & black magic special: Dennis Wheatley: Magic and the Fate of Nations - In World War the devil 'has surpassed himself' - Dennis Wheatley: New World Order 'is another name for hell' - George Bruce: Nazi black magic & the anti-christ order - Stephen Knight: Is freemasonry satanic? -
Historic Illuminati source material: 1. Code of the Illuminati by Abbé Barreul, 1798; 2. Proofs of a Conspiracy by Dr John Robison, 1794 - Saville report: Former Bilderberg Chairman Peter Carrington responsible for 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre? - Ergenekon: Turkey prosecutes Mossad coup plotters - Operation Gladio documentaries: NATO's Secret Armies (2009) BBC Timewatch (1993), understanding the NATO/Nazi threat to our world - Antichrist & the Green Prince by John D. Christian - Was enclosure the true cause of English Civil War? - Late great Allan Francovich: CIA is 'a kind of Rotary Club version of the Gestapo' - Full texts of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree & Royal Arch masonic initiation rites
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