
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nuclear War Could Stop Global Warming? And Global Warming Was A Plan Hatched In The 60's?

Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming?

Nuclear Bomb Global Warming
The Huffington Post  Dean Praetorius  First Posted: 02/26/11 12:25 PM Updated: 02/26/11 01:04 PM
Nuclear war is a bad thing.
Scientists from NASA and a number of other institutions have recently been modeling the effects of a war involving a hundred Hiroshima-level bombs, or 0.03 percent of the world's current nuclear arsenal, according to National Geographic. The research suggests five million metric tons of black carbon would be swept up into the lowest portion of the atmosphere.
The result, according to NASA climate models, could actually be global cooling.
In NASA climate models, this carbon then absorbed solar heat and, like a hot-air balloon, quickly lofted even higher, where the soot would take much longer to clear from the sky.
While the global cooling caused by superpower-on-superpower war could be catastrophic (hence the term "nuclear winter") a small scale war could have an impact on the world climate, saysNational Geographic. Models suggest that though the world is currently in a warming trend, small-scale war could lower global temperatures 2.25 degrees F for two-to-three years following war.
In more tropical areas temperatures could fall 5.4 to 7.2 degrees F.

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