
Friday, March 28, 2008

Ignorance of a Plaque. Conclusion.

Concluding from the past two Fridays, the following is information regarding a report written by Dr. Scott Taylor called "Lyme Disease (Borreliosis), A Plague of Ignorance Regarding the Ignorance of a Plague".

The more research I do, the more I come into contact with interesting bits of information that I can relate to my own experiences with Lyme. One such piece of information was this.

"Lingering Lyme: The Chronic Persistent Infection

Some symptoms and signs of Lyme disease may not appear until weeks, months, or years after a tick bite. This stage typically involves intermittent episodes of joint pain or numerous neurological symptoms such as: meningitis, Bell's palsy, dysfunction of cardiac rhythm, and migratory pain to joints, tendons, muscle and bone. Arthritis is most likely to appear as brief bouts of pain and swelling, usually in one or more large joints, especially the knees. In some patients, the first and only sign of Lyme disease is arthritis. In others, nervous system problems are the only evidence of Lyme disease. However, any combination of symptoms can be present.
The course of the disease can best be described as persistent, with periods of worsening symptoms, often cyclical every few weeks or monthly. Especially disconcerting are persistent symptoms such as pain, headaches and fatigue. Some patients are more symptomatic than are others, which may reflect gender and genetically-determined differences in response to infection. The disease is progressive, destructive, and debilitating, and in severe untreated cases, it can be fatal.
Lyme disease causes metabolic/endocrine dysfunctions that lead to weight loss or commonly chronic weight gain.

Generally, women struggle with chronic Lyme disease more severely than men do. It is not known for sure why."

In the past, I have written posts that have included lists with Lyme disease symptoms. However, my lists have not been as inclusive as the following from this report.

Lyme Disease Symptoms

"As I mentioned before, every organ and organ system can be affected, here’s a list of some of the LD symptoms as they relate to specific areas of the body:

– headache, neck pain, facial pain and paralysis, difficulty chewing, pain in teeth, dry mouth, loss of taste/smell, numb tongue/mouth. Peculiar metallic or salty taste is also common in LD. This is likely due to the BLPs present in the system.

Bladder -- frequent or painful urination, repeated urinary tract infections, irritable bladder, interstitial cystitis.

Lung -- respiratory infection, cough, asthma, pneumonia, pleurisy, chest pains

Ear -- pain, hearing loss, ringing (tinnitus), sensitivity to noise, dizziness & equilibrium disorders.

Eyes -- pain due to inflammation (scleritis, uveitis, optic neuritis), dry eyes, sensitivity to light, drooping of eyelid (ptosis), conjunctivitis, blurry or double vision, swelling around eyes / bags below the eyes.

Throat -- sore throat, swollen glands, cough, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing

Neurological -- headaches, facial paralysis, seizures, meningitis, stiff neck, burning, tingling, or prickling sensations (parathesia), loss of reflexes, loss of coordination, equilibrium problems/dizziness (these symptoms mimic an MS, ALS, or Parkinson’s like syndrome)

Stomach -- pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, anorexia

Heart -- weakness, dizziness, irregular heart-beat, myocarditis, pericarditis, palpitations, heart block, enlarged heart, fainting, shortness of breath, chest pain, mitral valve prolapse.

Muscle & skeletal system -- arthralgias (joint pain), fibromyalgia (muscle inflammation and pain)

Other Organs -- liver infection / hepatitis, elevated liver enzymes, enlarged spleen, swollen testicles, and irregular or ceased menses.

Neuropsychiatric -- mood swings, irritability, anxiety, rage (Lyme rage), poor concentration, cognitive loss, memory loss, loss of appetite, mental deterioration, depression, disorientation, insomnia

Pregnancy -- miscarriage, premature birth, birth defects, stillbirth

Skin – EM, single or multiple rash, hives, ACA

Another interesting symptom often noticed is an increased susceptibility to electrostatic shock. This is likely due to the BLPs causing a change in the electro-potential in our cells/nervous system. Some of these toxins are likely sodium channel agonists and can change the electrical potential of our body. Thus, the likelihood of electro-static shock."

During his section regarding the diagnoses of Lyme, Taylor states the frustrating issues with the tests, such as ELISA and Western Blot, which often have false negative results. Clearly, Western Blot has fewer false positives. However, many doctors will stop at the ELISA test when that proves negative, not following up with the Western Blot. Again, an emphasis needs to be placed on the percentage of false negatives and re-testing should always be the clear consideration upon a negative result.

Taylor suggests that treatment be multifaceted.

"The best approach to therapy is a multifaceted and comprehensive treatment regimen that includes conventional antibiotics, numerous complimentary and alternative therapies, and a nutritional regimen specifically designed to reduce inflammation, aid the liver in detoxifying the BLPs, decrease the risk of yeast infections, repair damage caused by the disease and strengthen the immune system."

One source he sites for better treatment than the basic course of antibiotics as offered as the conventional treatment is protocol for sarcoidosis found at

Sources for therapy that are listed as "Papers for Physicians" at the site are the following.

"Antibacterial Therapy induces Remission

Implications for Autoimmune Disease
(Here is Fulltext preprint)

Antibacterial mechanisms for ARBs

Antibiotics in Sarcoidosis- The 1st Year

Rationale for abx in Sarcoidosis

1,25-D and Angiotensin II

"New Treatments Emerge.."

Jarisch-Herxheimer in Sarcoidosis

Vit.D and Calcium in Sarcoidosis

Protocol Phase 1-First 3 months"

If you are familiar with the conventional treatment plan, these plans listed are much more multifaceted and comprehensive.

One treatment, often used with Doxycycline is Metronidazole (Flagyl).

"Metronidazole (Flagyl) is a very effective antimicrobial for treating chronic Lyme disease. It distributes well throughout the body and is able to penetrate tissue and cells. This ability allows metronidazole to reach the cryptic borrelia throughout the body and kill it. Metronidazole is also effective at attacking the cyst form of borrelia. This may be the single most effective antimicrobial pharmaceutical for treating Lyme disease. The disadvantage of metronidazole is it’s toxicity to the liver and neurological system. It can raise liver enzymes and cause peripheral neuropathies similar to LD itself. These side-effects must be prudently monitored."

"Several antibiotics work together synergistically to improve the therapeutic effect against borreliosis. Examples of antibiotics that work well together when combined include: amoxicillin, metronidazole, clarithromycin or zithromycin, and co-trimoxazole. Co-trimoxazole works well in late stage Lyme disease, especially when given in combination with other antibiotics like amoxcilliln and/or a macrolide such as azithromycin. Earlier, one exception to antibiotic combinations was the use of metronidazole and the tetracyclines together. It is now believed that these two antibiotics do work well when combined. For example, there are reports of good result when doxycycline is used with flagyl."

Additional therapies recommended in Taylor's report are "Hyperthermia", or hot baths, showers, or saunas that raise the body temperature, "Pulse Electro-Magnetic Fields" (pemfs), "Rife Machine", "Beck Electrification", "Lauricidin", "Colloidal Silver", "Cat's Claw/Samento/Saventero", "Artemisinin", "Goldenseal root", "Teasel", "Olive Leaf Extract", "Garlic", European (or Hungarian Mistletoe", "Peroxide", and "Ozone".

This report is amazingly detailed. Taylor has remedy recommendations for controlling inflammation and the immune dysfunction, protection of the nervous system from neurotoxins, detoxifying, etc.

Additionally in his report, Dr. Taylor explains and emphasizes tick protection and prevention.

I conclude with his conclusion, as I have no way of wording my feelings any more concisely or clearly.

"As the word spreads about the complex nature of this disease, the hope is that more doctors will begin to learn about Lyme, and will take the actions necessary to fight this disease. It is critical that the public and the medical community are made aware of the true prevalence and dangers of borreliosis. Until this gap of ignorance is filled, many unfortunate individuals will suffer needlessly with Lyme disease."


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