How do you get your blog past your immediate friends and family members?
Of course, Digg is a great site for networking. However, the following are other sites that have given me a plethora of additional information to add to my networking collection.
First, here is a site with a ranking list of networking locations for your weblogs.
Second, here are some more networking opportunities to maximize your blog coverage.
Yahoo Publisher (Beta)
MSN Spaces
In addition to the sites listed above, today I read articles from the following locations regarding maximizing weblog coverage and monetizing your blog.
If your like me, you really feel like your writing is an output of your reading (or other hobby or trade) and you're learning the weblog technology as an creative outlet.
The monetizing will be "icing-on-the-cake", so to speak.
My real goal, is to consistently improve my writing skills and to create a network of others with the same interests to gather writing material from and to present my writing material to. (This, in addition to my competitive nature of watching the numbers increase of those reading my materials on my site and constantly trying to maximize that number:)
Here are the articles of interest from today's research into maximizing my weblog.
I will place them on Digg later tonight. I hope they help someone else who may have some of the same questions and/or curiosities as I have had.
Creating a New Blog Network - Hiring Bloggers
Blogging Done Right
Many Titles from this location...
Obviously, there is much information out there, and there are many different styles for each blogger.
The lessons I am learning are many, including some of these simple ones...
...pay attention to the quality and content of your writing
...pay attention to the comments from readers, as it is a signal of your writing content and quality needing improvement or change
...pay attention to your ads and their content, daily, along with the traffic they are bringing to see when you may need to adjust them to bring in more revenue
...pay attention to the traffic flow to your weblog and use daily time to network your site
...pay attention that you balance your investment in time that it does not take your passion away from your writing and/or from the topic(s) you wish to share.
For this week of Thanksgiving, I thank all of those who have been so brilliant in creating the technology so that I can meet a network of great and generous minds on a global scale.
Without the work of the technologically savvy, I would not be able to get to know such great people as I am now able to interact with.
Thank you for reading my articles and for being a part of this journey. I hope that this information is helping you as much as it is helping me.
I will be writing about other subjects, however, as you know if you are a blogger, development takes up a bit of time. Research is important. Since I've invested some time into research, I thought I'd share my results to save some of you the time.
Have a great evening!
Thank you for the great list. You should post this in some article submission sites. Thats another great wy to get your name out there.
Thanks for the link back, glad you found my article useful, good luck with your blog.
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