Monday, October 3, 2016

40 Million Russian Citizens Take Part In Nuclear Drill, October 4-7th, 2016

Connected events...

~US Suspends Diplomatic Relations With Russia On Syria

~"On August 22, The BBC in London reported that the government of Germany had begun urgently telling their citizens to store emergency food and water "in case of a disaster which threatens our existence."  That story remains on the BBC web site.

Days after Germany told its citizens to stock up on food and water, the Czech newschannel CT24 broadcast a message from the government telling citizens to ‘prepare for the worst’."

~NOW FINLAND TOO! Local Councils Warning Citizens "Stockpile Food & Water - Prepare" as US TANKS go on the move!

~"Moreover, no one, in the entire history of human existence, has ever put 40 million people into bomb shelters over a three day period as some sort of "exercise."  The entire economy of Russia will grind to a complete halt.  The cost and logistics involved in doing this are . . . . staggering! "

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016 at 2:20pm EDT" (back up date October 5th)

~"Here's another POSSIBLE interpretation of the coming "exercise" :  What if we're going to be attacked by a full barrage of nuclear missiles, once the Russians have a third of their population safely tucked away in underground bunkers?  That could mean sometime very near October 7 or shortly thereafter."

~"Frankly, right now would be the perfect time for Russia to launch an actual attack.  "

~Germans told to stockpile food and water for civil defence

~"Days after Germany told its citizens to stock up on food and water, the Czech news channel CT24 broadcast a message from the government telling citizens to ‘prepare for the worst’."

~updated information:

As of October 3, 2016, the first formal session of the newly elected legislature (originally scheduled for October 17) has been moved up to October 5, from a bomb shelter.

Intelligence rumor is that the moving up of the meeting, and from a bomb shelter, is to start war.

~The U.S. has also decided to commit to wartime activities inside Syria, regardless of whether we hit Russia or not.

With all of this, any enemy could attack us with an EMP. Damage to our civilization from such an attack would be catastrophic. 

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