How is it that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was announced on a news ticker at 8:23am, which is prior to the event actually happened?
Now this one is truly interesting! Why would our own government put the nation through this emotional roller coaster? We have seen things like this in other governments around the world, but pay attention. Obama is using the people of the United States to forward his agenda...or his regime, as he is now referring to it.
Take a look at!/photo/marguerite-mckenna?context=latest!/photo/pueblo-181-034?context=latest
Take a look at these type of actors. Take a look at what they do. This is what we saw. We did not see the emergency vehicles.
Take a look for yourself at Google Maps.
Above is the map. Below is the firehouse shown on that video. Why would there have been caution tape out at the fire station and why were the emergency vehicles not moved to the scene of the "shooting"?
I was able to pull the sign pic off of Google Maps.
APPROX 19:59
Kurt Brighton LOOKS A LOT LIKE ....
Why did they say that the victims were mostly shot with a rifle....the same rifle found in the "shooter's" vehicle's trunk?
Look at approximately 8:01 on the video...
"...and I have been spoken to in an attempt that we might be prepared for something like this playing itself out in our state."
...only two ambulances?
See below...
Text from CBS?
Don't let your 2nd amendment rights get taken away...
Who was the second shooter and why did they never find him/her? Here is a plausible explanation...
Is the guy in the "actor" setting on the same guy that is to the far left on the following video?
Sandy Hook shooting timeline
Shooting timeline:
Friday, December 14
9:35:53 a.m.- Dispatch: “Sandy Hook School, Caller’s indicated she thinks someone is shooting in the building.”
9:38:10 a.m.: Dispatch: “The shooting appears to have stopped. The school is in lock down.”
9:40:30 a.m.: Dispatch: “Shooter’s apparently still shooting in office area. Dickerson Drive.”
943:45 a.m.: Dispatch: “We have one female in Room 1 who has gunshot wound to the foot.”
9:46:20 a.m.: Dispatch: “We’ve got an injured person in Room 9 with numerous gunshot wounds.”
9:53:25 a.m.: Dispatch: “Newtown’s reporting one suspect down. The building has now been cleared.”
10:27 a.m.: Danbury Hospital confirms it is aware of the shooting. Later confirms that it received three victims.
11:00 a.m.: Reports of multiple bodies.
11:15 a.m.: NBC CT reports that the principal was shot and killed.
12:50 p.m.: CBS reports that the gunman was 20-years-old and a SWAT team went to his house.
1:00 p.m.: Fox News reports that at least 26 were killed in the shooting.
1:27 p.m.: Associated Press reports that the suspect was a 20-year-old man with ties to the school.
1:43 p.m.: Shooter officially confirmed dead by Connecticut State Police Lt. J. Paul Vance, spokesman.
Approx. 2:15 p.m.: Quinnipiac alumni Andrew Fletcher posts screenshot of Ryan Lanza’s Facebook page that said he wasn't the shooter.
3:12 p.m.: Associated Press reports Ryan Lanza is suspect in shooting. The report is later retracted.
6:30 p.m.: Associated Press reports that the shooter’s mother, Nancy Lanza, is presumed dead.
11:20 p.m.: The Associated Press officially announces that Ryan Lanza was wrongly named as the shooter.
Saturday, December 15
8:54 a.m.: CNN reports that the shooter may have had at least five guns.
10:24 a.m. Paul Vance announces they have evidence and possible motive about the shooting. He revealed the shooter forced his way into the school and the investigation could take another two days at the crime scene.
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