1. A nagging migraine from my Lyme Disease that just won't stop...pretty typical for many with the disease.
2. Contractors still working on my house after having it "finished" over a year ago.
3. My site on Blogger being crawled by Adsense and one of my URLs being blocked so all of my Adsense ads won't show up and not getting answers after a full day with Blogger and Adsense...of course there are no phone numbers...you just have to wait until you hear back from their help groups or help forums with the answers.
4. Deleting the story/article I spent time on that was blocked (the URL) when Adsense sent their spiders to crawl my site on the 6th and knowing that I'll never get that work back...just so that I might find a fix for the ads.
However, I choose to live on the positive side of life. Here are things I am grateful for today...
1. I had contractors at my home that were willing to fix some of the issues that had not been previously fixed by the builder's previous contractors. They had a positive attitude and were professional...and didn't leave me with a giant mess to clean up.
2. I had time with my Husband (still unemployed) while we were working on computers we have set up side-by-side in the loft of our wonderful house that we are blessed with. I love time with my Husband. He is my best friend and we have a lot of laughs!
3. My husband let me feel good about laying down to take a nap to try to get rid of my headache (didn't work, but I did need the rest). He took care of getting the kids their snacks, meds, homework, dinner and ready for bed. Did I tell you I have an awesome Husband?!
4. I don't live in Iraq, Israel, Pakistan or Iran but here in the U.S., where I count what constitutional rights we have available and uncompromised a blessing.
5. I have family who is a great support, rallying around us in our time of unemployment and my time of illness and recovery, helping us provide monetarily, emotionally, and spiritually. True blessings!
6. I have great neighbors who watch out for each other and care for one another. We have a tight knit group in this new little neighborhood. A wonderful thing to watch! Everyone caring for one another's children while they are playing all over the neighborhood. Everyone caring for concerns about those who are having problems with paying for their houses during this housing crisis, or with selling their houses, and with their needs in general.
7. My children attend a great elementary school with a Principal who knows them and me by name and is happy to see us every day, out of the 1200 children that attend. They have wonderful teachers! They are starting wonderful programs (new school)!
8. We attend a fantastic ward (a group that meets at a certain time at my church building) on Sundays for our church meetings. They are such a support and they care very much about our well being!
9. Quiet time...this time I have while everyone else is in bed, since I took a nap and am waiting for my headache medication to kick-in, to post to my readers, who I care to know about how much hope they can have to be positive when they are chronically ill. Silence in every one's day is imperative. It clears the mind of the "junk" and lets you focus on what really matters.
10. That every day is a new beginning...a new start...a do over. All of the things that I felt that I didn't do quite right today are things that I can do a little better tomorrow. I don't mean to say that one should procrastinate. I mean to say that you should never get those voices in your head festering that you didn't do well at this or that or the other thing. Just know that you did your best for today and you'll do it different tomorrow. That is life. You choose how you wish to live it. It doesn't control you. You control it...or how you choose to look/react to it.
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